Seizing Untapped Potential
Your investment supports small businesses and consumers while generating consistent returns through our diversified portfolio of short-term loans.
Get StartedTHE GAP
Small businesses and consumers struggle to access traditional financing.
Small Loan Size
Loan sizes are too small to generate attention from lenders.
Traditional Underwriting
Application of traditional asset-based underwriting standards disqualify many small businesses and consumers.
Outdated technology
Outdated technology does not allow traditional lenders to move quickly or efficiently.
This gap in the market has given rise to the space known as specialty finance
Innovative, niche finance companies are using technology platforms and non-traditional data sources to more effectively and efficiently serve businesses and consumers not adequately served by the banking industry.
A Decade of Track Record
Years of Prudence & Profitability
At Merchant Opportunities Fund, we leverage our market knowledge and experience to select, assess and manage carefully selected specialty finance portfolios.
High Net Returns
Annual Return Since Inception*
*As of July 15, 2024
Factors that guide our strategic opportunities
Our capital is invested into a collection of well-selected, niche specialty finance portfolios of short-term loans and advances.
Underserved Credit
Credit niches that are underserved due to supply and demand imbalances
Short-Term Fully Amortizing Debt
Short-term fully amortizing loans and advances that are paid back quickly
Diversified Credit
Diversified credit pools with a small average loan or advance size
Benefits of our unique approach to private credit
Typical Private Credit Funds
Large multi-year term loans with interest-only payments throughout the term and a large bullet payment due at maturity:
Increased credit risk
Decreased investor liquidity
Concentrated portfolio positions
Opaque investment values
Small short-term debt
Less than 12 months on average with frequent (daily or weekly) amortizing payments throughout the term and zero due at maturity:
Decreased credit risk
Increased investor liquidity
Diversified portfolio positions
Transparent investment values